This section provides a series of articles with deeper, more personal discussions about my concepts of the Heathen souls, for those who would like to incorporate such understanding into their own practices of Heathen living. Please note that all the study guides are based on material found under the menu header “Soul Lore.” Those articles are more research-based, while the study guides are intended to help modern Heathens explore those ideas in a personal way.
These study guides can be used by individuals doing independent study, and by study groups or classes. These materials are all included in the second book of my Heathen Soul Lore series, Heathen Soul Lore: A Personal Approach. Click on the menu title, above, and you will see the list of study guides.
Here is a beautiful painting by Laurie Inn, inspired by her Heathen soul lore studies. The image of the Tree is surrounded by the bindrunes I composed for each of the soul lore study guides in this section. I hope you find this painting as inspiring as I do!