Winifred Hodge Rose and Forest Hawkins
Now available! Scroll down for the links to purchase.
Idunn’s Trees is an illustrated story and activity book that tells a new tale about the Goddess Idunn and her response to Loki’s efforts to steal her magical apples. Once upon a time, Loki had tricked Idunn into leaving the safety of Asgard, and she and her apples were snatched by a giant. Loki was able to get her back, but Idunn was not happy about her treatment! In this new story, Idunn has a different way of handling Loki’s attempted theft of her apples. It is a book for the young, and the young-at-heart, to enjoy! It is suitable for children of an age to be read to, and for older children who enjoy reading on their own.
This book has many photos and painting reproductions, as well as original line drawings by Heathen artist Forest Hawkins, which can be colored in, and other drawing activities for children. Permission is given to photocopy the line drawings for personal or classroom coloring use, especially if the book is a library holding.
There are also notes, photos and pictures that give a little information about the Norse myths, beliefs and customs that form a background to the story. The book is designed to enhance appreciation of art and of nature, and to propose a few subtly philosophical questions at a child’s level. Invitations to draw, color, and find items in the pictures promote the engagement of the reader.
A Toad is prominently featured, with a bonus poem about him at the end, and a bit about his life-story (he refused to stay out of the book).
The book is available as a color-illustrated hardcover from Lulu, for $22, and as a B&W paperback from Lulu and all major booksellers, for $12.
“Idunn’s Trees is a beautifully written interactive children’s book that not only teaches its readers about Idunn, her apples, and Loki, but it also holds space for a very important hidden teaching on actions. This book will definitely have a special place on our homeschooling bookshelf.” Jaquie Lait, Author, Homeschooling Mother, and former Youth Support Officer (Australia).
“The Stirrer of Stories proves to be no match for the Goddess Idunn in this delightful new tale that turns the tables on the old Trickster. Forest Hawkins’ illustrations perfectly support this story of trust, tradition, and the magic of storytelling.” Laurie Inn, Schoolteacher.
Hardcover color edition, available only from Lulu to keep the price down. $22.00.
Paperback B&W edition, available now from Lulu and other booksellers. $12.00 from Lulu: