To Support the Study and Practice of Heathen Soul Lore Foundations and Heathen Soul Lore: A Personal Approach.
Winifred Hodge Rose
This 234-page workbook provides a well-organized package of step-by-step instructions and guidelines for studying my Heathen Soul Lore Foundations (Book I) and Heathen Soul Lore: A Personal Approach (Book II). All of the exercises in the latter book are laid out in order in this workbook, with space provided to write your responses. The workbook is letter-sized (8.5 X 11 inches) and is coil-bound so it lays flat for easy writing.
Also included are suggestions for daily soul work, guidelines for creating optional soul-tokens, and scripts for enacting optional initiation ceremonies for each soul. This workbook can be used with the soul lore books, or with the same material available on this website. As with all of my work, the same material in this workbook is also available on this website.
Having all of these study aids collected in one place and laid out in order will help you stay motivated and on track with your Heathen Soul Lore studies. And when you’ve finished this workbook, you will have completed your own unique Book of Wisdom!
This link gives the detailed table of contents for the workbook:
This workbook is only available from Lulu; because it is coil-bound it is not eligible for general distribution. (This also allows me to set the price lower.) Here is the link for purchase at USD$20:
Here’s the front cover. Many thanks to soul lore student Laurie Inn for the beautiful cover painting!