Winifred Hodge Rose
Here is a brief account of a meditation on Ahma-soul and its role in bringing things into being. I’ve been interested to hear that other soul lore students have had very similar experiences during Ahma meditations, including the symbol of the rose. (You will need to have read background material on the souls listed under “Soul Lore” on this website, to understand the references in this account.)
I was meditating on Ahma and got the image of a huge, blooming rose, exquisitely scented, and the understanding that the scent itself symbolized Ahma. I thought about the rest of the rose-bush, like its Hama, Ferah, and so forth—all the aspects of the rose-bush generating that blossom and its heady scent. In a sense it seemed that they created Ahma–the scent. Then the image reversed: I realized that it was Ahma who did the generating, though not alone.
Ahma reached out into Midgard with an inspiration: the intent to express itself through the scent of the rose. The idea of the scent was Ahma’s inspiration, and its intent was to bring it into being. In a way, that intent of Ahma sort of sucked the rose-bush from non-being into being, but Ahma had help with this.
Ahma generated the inspiration and the intent for the scent, but Saiwalo generated the image of the rosebush and its blossoms to produce that scent for Ahma. Ferah, in Midgard, lit the spark of life when the seed for the rosebush was fertilized; Saiwalo responded by generating the image of the rosebush as a Dwimor, which was drawn up to Midgard by the combined pull of Ferah and push of Saiwalo.
When the Dwimor-image met Ferah the mingling of the four Elements was complete: Air and Fire from Ahma-Wode (inspiration), Earth and Fire from Ferah (life force), Water and Earth from Saiwalo-Dwimor (repository of images). Together these forces formed the Hama for the rosebush and its growth began.
This process uses the example of an individual rosebush, but the process can equally well apply toward more long-term evolutionary development of species, events, and phenomena. When I wrote my original articles / chapters about Ahma, I did not perceive this aspect of it—Ahma as an initiator of beings, events, phenomena, that express the intentions of Ahma into Midgard. There is much to ponder here!